Tuesday, October 15, 2024

IYC Remaining Races

IYC Race Director Skip and team have done an excellent job in organizing races - here are the remaining races for 2024. See you on the water!


Thursday, October 10, 2024

IFR Checkride Notes 2024

 I was fortunate to have a firm but fair FAA DPE and the following was my experience:

  • How to maintain your IFR currency. (6 approaches in preceding 6 months, 6 mo. grace period, IPC thereafter)
  • Aircraft log review, Student log review for long IFR crosscountry
  • Plan flight to KSBP from KRHV
  • Cessna 172P Weight and Balance (360lbs in the front seats).
    • Reference Winds Aloft to calculate time in flight and fuel burn (13 gallons rounded up)
    • Retrieve Weather, discuss options to depart, weather on arrival, need for alternates (1-2-3 rule)
    • Review basic ok to turn altitude if no ODP or SID (400ft AGL, 200ft/nm climb)
  • Important to know when you can turn (at what altitude) when not specified in an ODP, SID

  • I got this question on turn altitude wrong. Here is the link to the 400ft, 35ft above DER, 200ft/nm figures: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/aim_html/chap5_section_2.html
  • Low IFR Chart, what is frequency above the Center Box? (You listen to FSS talk on 112.6, your talk on 122.1 and let them know your are transmitting on PXN VOR, ensure audio panel is set to NAV/COM) 
  • Speak on 122.1, you receive on 112.6 the Panoche VOR

  • Weather Cameras https://weathercams.faa.gov/map/-121.81972,37.1461,10/airport/RHV/details/trends
  • https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/1473/how-do-i-contact-flight-service-while-in-flight
  • Query on Military Training routes
  • Query on VOR change over change over distances and service volumes.
  • Why are some airports green? (IFR procedures into those airports) Useful in planning alternates
  • Rule of 3 https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/instrument_procedures_handbook/FAA-H-8083-16B_Chapter_3.pdf
  • Asked about MOCA vs MEA
  • Icing Questions - what are 3 types of icing and which is worst? (Clear due to being invisible before a certain severity)
  • What is de-icing vs. anti-icing? (de-icing would be boots, don't activate until you actually have icing) Anti would be prevention systems
  • Checkride: 3 approaches, 1 hold, 1 partial panel, 2 non-precision and 1 precision, fly VFR flight following and make sure ATC know that you are with examiner for your checkride (I didn't) for priority in routing. I was vectored out of hold to 2nd and 3rd approaches.
  • Unusual Attitudes a nose high and nose low scenario.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October S&P 500 Snapshot - Which way will S&P move prior to and following the '24 USA Election?


Snapshot of FXAIX Today

The S&P 500, as measured by proxy FXAIX dipped to the $180 level and tested as high as $200+ within the last week. That is a 10% gyration in mere days. Investors have swayed from optimism due to Fed rate cuts and pessimism due to expanding war in the Middle East (Israel vs. Iran proxies Hamas & Hezbollah in Lebannon).

When Trump was elected in 2016, FXAIX was valued at ~$65. Contrast that to today, Oct 02, where the same fund is valued close to $198+. That is a 14% CAGR over the 8 year period. 4 of those 8 years were during the Trump administration, and 4 under Biden. The S&P appears more volatile in 2024 than in 2016 with a higher standard deviation (roughly twice) of $4 vs $2. However normalized to the average, the volatility in 2016 is higher 2.5% vs 2% over that trailing 63 days.

Compare 63 consecutive days in 2016 spanning the election to 63 trailing days in 2024 ending Oct 02, 2024

2016 FXAIX was relatively stable, even over the surprise election Trump result

Macroeconomic Factors

  • Record S&P and Mega Cap valuations (AAPL at 3 Trillion Market Cap)
  • Record US Debt with no plan to curb (Dollar devaluation on horizon?)
  • Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon conflicts
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Covid and post Covid Inflation
  • Investors seeking havens in higher dividend stocks, alternative assets (eg Bitcoin/gold)
  • China stimulus begins to take effect in late September, early October 2024
  • China population decline, housing supply glut
  • US housing un-affordability, massive spike in cost of living due to inflation
  • FED announcements to lower rates, but amid persistent inflation
  • US manufacturer trend away from China Contract Manufacturing, which began 3-5 years ago over Covid.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hobie 20 Trampoline "Buttons" - Where to Find

Jasmine is getting a much needed refit after her adventures at this year's Hog Island Race. I was curious to see that an entrepreneur had taken the initiative to make replacement "buttons" for the tramp-lacing. It looks like this company below is out of Switzerland and even has a Stainless steel "beefy" version! 


In other news, Jasmine's covers roughly fit and serve the purpose as towable trailer "yard" covers. I may need to modify these as I transition Jasmine to beach wheels for full beach launch capability.

Here is where I found my "trolly", a version of the "Cat Trax" called "Euro Trax".


Quality appears good, very well though out for assembly, with long rolling delin bearings on an aluminium pole/shaft. Cradles somewhat customisable to different beach cats.

Jasmine with her new duds

Now I revisit how to rig a spinnaker pole as my last pole bracket (a Mac Monitor bracket repurposed) succomed to my initially poor design. My new design is to take a WindSurfer mast and to attach this clevis to the cross bar with a single M8 bolt (tapped the cross bar to accept). Next I need to fix pole rotation which I believe can be done with rigging to the tangs -- this system has yet to be tested!

Galvanic Corrosion of jib car track:

I need to locate a new track supplier - haven't had luck yet. For now, I'll simply slide the Jib slug fore of this corroded area:

Galvanic Corrosion - SUS to Aluminum with significant material loss

On the Porsche 924s:

I changed the oil on Big Red (Porsche 924s) and it came out a red colour -- this appears to be the effect of not driving her for a while in the last 1-2 years and the oil not getting a chance to pick up combustion products/soot which would blacken the synthetic oil. Also the fact that the oil was Mobil Synthetic, Costco special.

On Richmond Beer Cans:

I started to join in 1-2 beer can races despite the traffic up from S. Bay (which is a deal breaker moving forward unless I'm already in N. Bay). These are great tune-up sessions with a simple course out to South Hampton Shoal. Incidentally, the light house taken from South Hampton Shoal is here:

A beautiful St Francis YC asset! Who knew?

Richmond YC Wednesday night beer cans

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hobie 20 Front Hull Boat Covers - Revisting with Dimensions

Application: I currently have Jasmine sitting on a boat trailer in the yard - these covers install on that trailer. This is the first set, the front hull covers, port and starboard.

Salt spray on the sea coast has a way of rapidly erroding covers and testing fabric life. I remade my front covers and here are some images if you are thinking of doing the same.

  1. Front Covers Bill of Materials: 
    1. 10 Yards of "Sunbrella" or any Solution Dyed Acrylic . You will have a bit of extra material.
      1. I have tried other China-sourced materials including "Ottertex" and others which failed rapidly. Go with the Solution Dyed Acrylic.
    2. Safety Pins to Pin the material to your boat hulls
    3. Sewing Machine (I use my great grandmother's Singer 301A)
    4. Polyester Outdoor thread similar to this: "Coats 108552 Outdoor Living Thread 200yd, White"
    5. Front Cover, 1 for each hull, consists of a sock which zippers closed
    6. Qty 2, #10 YKK Separating Zippers 67284 - White, 84" (Sailmaker's Supply https://www.sailmakerssupply.com/)

Starboard Hull cover - flap comes inward towards center of the boat to zip close from crossbar


  1. I cut material with scissors but see others using a hot knife to stop material from threading-out/shedding. Next time I will try this method.
  2. 24 inches to Tang, 26.5 inches to start of zipper from tip of front hull.
  3. Hull circumference increases towards the crossbar. Pin cover in the closed position to tailor to hulls.
  4. 1 hull cover is the mirror image of the other. Both "flap" towards the inside and zip from fore to aft.
My Port Cover came out too tight compared to my starboard cover. Measure dimensions carefully to prevent this and allow sufficient closure space for zipper (don't pin too tightly)

84" YKK Zipper, zips fore to aft

Dimensions of Circumference
  1. 45 inches around the bow
  2. 65 inches around at Cross bar
  3. Lower seam 93 inches
  4. Top seam to crossbar 120 inches from tip of bow to overlap with crossbar

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Avoid Chetumal Trap. San Pedro 馬馬虎虎

12/23 - 12/26/2003

 This trip I was "stuck" in Chetumal for multiple days without real reason or need. The idea was to ferry into and out of Belize for a Reef diving trip to San Pedro. This idea is without merit and will waste your time. 

Unfortunately, the city of Chetumal functions as a "Trap" to keep tourists in without great ways in or out of the city itself. Don't stay here. Fly instead directly into Belize City. Your ticket might cost more -- but you will appreciate the time and money saved.

This is especially true prior and following Christmas.

12/22 - stayed with the nice family in a Chetumal borderline ghetto area (their house was ok, nothing special). Chetumal has many Taxis. However don't let them charge you more than 25 pesos per ride. They often ask for twice that or more.

12/23 - attempted to Ferry out at 10AM. No tickets (must book in advance). Waited until 1530 Ferry with another operator to get out. Well after dark before I was in San Pedro. 2 hr ferry - uneventful. While waiting the several hours, I walked around the Marina area of Chetumal -- lackluster & uninspiring.

Uneventful ferry ride to San Pedro once all of the preliminaries (Customs, Immigration, etc) were attended to. Way to much down time vs. the transit time of 2 hrs. More overhead time than transit time.

San Pedro is "sleepy" and impoverished. Walked around, and ate at the Carumba restaurant -- pricey, see below

Checked into the Sun & Reef Hotel in downtown San Pedro. A bit noisy, but was clean. A fellow traveler also stayed there.

12/24 - In the morning awoke early and hitched a cart ride to the North of Ambergris Caye. 

Locals were exceptionally friendly and I received 2 rides. One of the rides turned out to be a relative of someone working at the dive shop! Dove with Chino after a refresher course. White Sands is Recommended if you make it to this part of the island. (6 mi North of San Pedro.)

Dove Mexico Rocks and Outer Reef.

Outer Reef memorable due to depth obtained>

12/25 - Awoke early, dove with "Ambergris Divers" who were adequate. 

Bring your own water. They were low on water and amenities. Enjoyed the brief snorkel towards the end. No need really for scuba in the Hol Chan area -- quite shallow.

I found a Kayak rental for $20USD for 3 hours. Kayaked to the reef and enjoyed the snorkel. Good, not great.

12/26- Awoke Early to leave the island. Arrived Chetumal Bus Station (ADO) at 1220PM after showing up for the ferry at 7AM this morning. Woefully inefficient (5:30 for a 2:00 transit). 

As I type, I must wait for the 1630PM bus out of Chetumal despite arriving 1220PM to this station. No busses to Cancun on Boxing Day despite hourly departures. 1 hour to wait in the ticket line. 

No access to online booking for ADO. Hours delay. 

Won't make Cancun until 12/27 1:00am if lucky. 7 hrs on the bus. 

Where to eat? -- there is a Subway in the Chetumal station -- $10USD for a footlong + bottled water. Hopelessly overpriced. Stuck in station with other stranded, straggling passengers.

12/27 Midday flight via United to SFO. 6 hr flight. Given the 1AM arrival, then taxi to hotel, I will be fortunate to have 7 hrs sleep to awake and restart the bag-drag.

Factors which make Chetumal untenable as a Belize transit point.

  • Mexico Tourist Tax. They tax you out and they tax you in. Twice in my case.
    • $39 via United Ticket inbound to Cancun.
    • $47 via San Pedro Ferry, charged in Chetumal
  • Long waits to enter and exit Belize (see Few Ferries below)
  • Belize departure tax of $20 USD.
  • Few Ferries, long delays, very inefficient transit, always full.
    • Ferry is $80/way 1400-1500 pesos.
    • 2 hrs from Chetumal -> San Pedro is manageable, but double or triple this time with customs, immigration and tremendous overhead. It is these factors which lead the operator to request passengers to arrive 2 hrs before departure. 
    • Should a ferry be as complex as an international flight?
  • By the time you make it into San Pedro, you will be confronted by very high prices, 2X US prices due to the island-tax of goods/services/everything. I had seafood for $130USD/person in one case with tip compounding this amount further.
  • Easy to get BZD - don't overdo it. You can withdraw from your credit card with a $1.50 USD fee.
  • MXD also easy to obtain. 17 MXD/USD

Monday, December 25, 2023

Ambergris Caye -- San Pedro, Belize by way of Chetumal & Cancun (CUN)

How to reach San Pedro, Belize via Chetumal (Mexico) ferry if you fly into Cancun (CUN). 

1) Fly into Cancun (CUN), take the 7hr Ado Bus directly from Cancun airport to Chetumal station.
2) Stay the night in Chetumal, but book ferry well in advance. Seats sell out
3) Taxi to Chetumal Ferry terminal the next morning. Not much in the Chetumal area.
4) There are 2 ferries from Chetumal -> San Pedro, 10AM and 1530PM. Arrive 830AM for 10AM departure.

Cost: (double for return)
1400-1500 Mexican Pesos
You must repay your 700 Mexican tourist fee if you leave Mexico and re-enter.