Saturday, May 19, 2012

Secret Tunnel under Holyrood Park

I had a Harry Potter moment upon discovery that a rail tunnel down the street from my house still existed and ran under part of Holyrood park.

The tunnel is around half a mile in length and runs roughly East West.  It connects into the old rail network bike trails which run across and around Edinburgh.

Although it is notoriously easy to get lost on these bike trails, they provide a very unique and mysterious riding experience away from the fray of crowded cobbled streets and delivery truck packed thoroughfares. They are largely below a canopy of trees and road undercrossings and are generally well-paved. Beware of riding at night as many drunk youngsters use the routes to stumble home.

These bike trails, described in the Edinburgh "Innertube" Map are unfortunately poorly connected, even more so with Tram construction taking place.

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