Saturday, December 10, 2016

Porsche O2 Sensor Replacement Photos

 The O2 sensor in "Big Red" as I now call the 924s was rusted to the exhaust connector pipe between the header outlet and the Catalytic Converter inlet. This is a separate part of the exhaust that can be removed relatively easily, and many bolts sheared when I did so.

The first step is to measure the existing O2 sensor wire length and to cut the new Bosch replacement to match this. Then you spice in the Bosch connector which has waterproofing features built in such as little donut O-rings which go around each wire. Best place to study up on the procedure is Clarks Garage linked here:
Measure the wire. I found clamps to my work table helpful.
They grey clamps are $1 at Home Depot in Cupertino and Campbell. Great Buy.
Steven's Creek Porsche Gave it a shot, but the O2 sensor was rusted in place. We had to destroy it pulling it out.
Measure from the old sensor in a comparable location to the end where the plug connects. Then duplicate this by cutting the new sensor wire to the correct length.

Bosch supplies an "Ikea Hieroglyphic" style instruction sheet, but they have English instructions on their website also.

The most difficult portion was rethreading and zip tying the sensor wire up from the exaust once reinstalled. As mentioned in my previous post, most of the heavy lifting for plasma cutting out the old O2 sensor boss, re-welding a new boss and re-welding and reinstalling the exhaust came from Kwik Way in Santa Clara. Many Thanks to Bob and the team there.

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